
speaking and consulting
Leadership changes everything. Literally.

Leadership is a Mindset

It allows us to set a new direction for where we want to go and then helps us get there. For the past 23 years, Carla has been dedicated to working around the world to improve the lives of people through leadership and education. Through this work, she has partnered with several grassroots leaders to create powerful change for themselves and their communities.

In this presentation, Carla will weave together emotional and inspirational stories from Canada, Mexico, India and Sierra Leone. Gain a clear understanding of the importance of a leadership mindset, how to set a vision for their lives and how to affect positive change in the world.

How do we educate and prepare for an unknown future?


Join Carla to explore her research findings from a 12 month, 12 country study to understand education and the changing nature of work. Her goal was to discover how to best prepare ourselves for a fast-changing world. And, her findings? That four fundamental challenges will define the coming decades of work for all of us. As well, that the future is bright, solutions are possible, and that we can quickly become poised to lead the future of education.

Our education systems are not broken, but they are ready for change.  Carla will share her insights into the need to shift education to have a leadership focus, make this session thought provoking, exciting, and actionable.